Wednesday, June 8, 2016

5 Pieces of Advice to Aspiring Small Business Owners

There are a lot of small businesses out there, and there is a lot of advice that can help you out.  Here are 5 tips for every small business to help you along your way!

1. Have a Business Plan

This can be very simple, or very detailed.  But it must make sure to take into account your projected expenses in materials and overhead (office space rent, utilities, pay roll for employees and yourself, and basic legal fees/permits you need to have, etc).  It is very important to set up the pricing on your services in such a way so that your business is making enough money to pay the bills, pay your staff (and yourself!), keep up inventory and have some extra to invest back into the business so it can grow!

2. Run at a Profit

While a lot of businesses start out at a loss, this is not the way you want to run your business forever.  As part of your plan, make sure to work out what you will need to do to be running in the black.  Set small goals for yourself to get up to that point so you don't get overwhelmed along the way.  Remember to celebrate the small victories and keep revising your plan as needed to get to where you are operating at a profit!

3. Set Realistic Goals

It is very easy to look at all the tasks at hand and feel like there is no way to get them all done.  Be sure to list out things you need to do on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis, and spread them out so you aren't thinking about them all every single day!  Focus on what you need to get done that day and do those things, then focus on the next set of tasks when it is time to do those.

4. Keep Track of Your Finances

While paperwork and filing can seem like the worst chore, it is so very important to keep all your records in order.  Maybe your business plan needs to include a very part-time assistant to help keep track of your paperwork.  Or your task lists need to include an hour or more each week to keep filing up to date.  But staying on top of things like this during the year means that at times like tax season or when you need to do any kind of business review, you have all the information you need documented and ready to go.

5. Remember Your Dream

Sometimes the mundane every day details of running a business can seem extremely mundane.  And sometimes the effort to go through all the little details can seem to be too much.  Or the glamour can fade once the hard work becomes clear.  Remember the dream you had that started you on this path and focus on that!  There isn't a worthy goal in the world that can be achieved without having to try at least a little.  Remember what got you going in the beginning and use that to get you out of bed each day and through all the less exciting tasks that will eventually get you to the successful business you have dreamed of!


Bridget is the proud Owner of Flower Designs by Bridget, bringing European Certification and 20 years experience to Pinellas County, Florida, where she lives with her husband (Air Force, Ret.) and two children.  When she is not in her shop, you will find her enjoying a cup of Roiboos tea with her family and several cats and dogs (including one named Daisy).  While the holiday greens and decorations of December are her favorite, she looks forward to bringing you sunshine and smiles through flowers all year round!

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